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Mango Pare MLP Programme Overview


An Indigenous leadership programme and a partnership between

Mango Pare

This tohu is in the shape of a flying bird with the body of the bird using the true form of the Mango Pare design. The wings are infused with traditional Polynesian patterns of the spearhead and shark teeth linking the cultures together.
The subtle blends of red (top, bottom & under the name) link to Indigenous Growth and the role we play in guiding this whānau on their journey.

Mango Pare aims to support the participants at Air New Zealand to connect with their cultural heritage and to explore what leadership means for themselves and for their whānau, hapū and iwi.

Participants will discover their own leadership style and grow the confidence and competence to achieve their full potential.

Mango Pare will provide learning experiences that:

  • Explore what it means to be Indigenous
  • Discover what leadership means to the participant and to Air NZ
  • Provides the participant with the opportunity to utilise their strengths
  • Provides a wide range of transferable business and personal skills
  • Helps improve personal effectiveness and lifts performance


As a participant by the end of this programme you will:

  • Feel proud of your cultural heritage and what it means in your work
  • Identify how business works and the role you play in helping achieve business results
  • Appreciate diversity in teams and how your differences from others is a strength
  • Tap into your own and each other’s strengths and improve teamwork
  • Develop greater trust and respect with and from those you work alongside
  • Understand that your own leadership motivations, impacts how you lead
  • Understand different commutation approaches and how to get your message across
  • Build confidence and a belief in your own potential
  • Be more effective at influencing
  • Improve how you make decisions and solve day-to-day problems
  • Create a network of strong relationships amongst the Māori staff at Air NZ


Mango Pare contains the following key elements:

  • Pre-course work to be completed prior to each wānanga
  • A half day orientation session
  • Attendance at all five wānanga – Ten days in total (5x 2-day wānanga)
    Wānanga 1 and 5 require a COMPULSORY overnight stay at a local Marae
  • Attendance at all of the 1-hour, one on one coaching sessions with your assigned Indigenous Coaching Executive (ICE) – 4-7 coaching sessions in total
  • Completion of the rōpū project activities
  • Suggested workplace activities will be discussed at the end of each formal learning module. These are designed to support you in taking your learnings back into the workplace. Some activities may require the support of your manager.